Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 9 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 9!

Into the second week now!

Talk to me!... How are you feeling? What are you still struggling with? What’s getting easier? Do you need any extra help with something? Do you have anything to share that could help someone else? Let me know! I’m here to help you though this.

If you haven't started yet, it's STILL not too late! Start on day 1 and I will help you though!
*I am currently studying to become a personal fitness trainer

Since our first week is done, I’ve decided to do a weekly update rather than a daily update. This week I will include detailed examples of my meals and my workout routine.

I want you to take a weekly photo of yourself for record and name it whatever week you're one.

Example: Week 2

The first time I did this 30 Day Challenge, my start weight was 126 lbs. I lost 7 pounds in the first week, bringing me to 119 lbs. By the end of the 30 days my weight was 120 lbs (yep, gained a pound back!). Honestly I don’t care what the scale says and neither should you! I obviously lost fat and gained muscle, so for me,… I only care about what the mirror says! I do not have a weight goal, and never have. My goal is to see what I want to see in the mirror. Lean muscle tone is my goal. Figure out what your goal is and see how close you can get to your goal in 30 days.

The reason I chose “30 days”,… Initially, I wanted a date on the calendar for me to work towards, a “light at the end of the tunnel”. All I wanted was to see how much I could transform my body in a month.
I also thought that 30 days would be an appropriate amount of time of being very strict with my eating in order to obtain a healthy life style.

After our 30 days are over... Stick with a workout routine. Stick with the clean, healthy eating. Allow yourself some wiggle room with "cheat meals". Just don't go overboard, remember the portion control! and don't make a whole day of it. We'll talk more about this once our 30 days are closer to being over.

Good luck this week! Contact me if you need any help our guidance this week! You'll hear from me soon! : )


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 6 - 30 Day Challenge


Day 6!!! : )

This is our first weekend on our 30 Day Challenge. Are you sticking with it? I sure hope so! You’ll be so proud of yourself if you do!
It’s rainy and cold today but my Reesey pup and I just went for a run around the neighborhood. I also did some ab stuff too, I love the ab burn! 


My plan for the evening is to sit on my couch with my favorite blanket and my babies (aka dogs) and catch up on one of my favorite shows, Army Wives! There’s nothing better than lounging in a cozy house after a great workout! : )


 So, one of my best friends lives in Aspen, Colorado. She flew in yesterday morning and we went to the Jason Aldean concert last night. We had a blast and I was SOOOOO ecstatic to see her! Her name is “Drew”, she was a gymnast for the University of Missouri and is a cross fit and body combat trainer at a gym in Aspen. She’s doing this 30 Day Challenge with me too and I’m loving it! She’s amazing and I’m very sad to see her leave today. : ( 

Have a fantastic weekend and keep up the good work!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 5 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 5! Almost one week down guys, wahoo!!
How did yesterday go? What did you do? What did you eat? Seriously, comment and let me know!!

I have a lot planned today and tonight so I won’t be able to do the workout that I wanted to. Instead I’m going to find 20 minutes to do cardio in between my plans. 
Sometimes you’ll have days that will seem impossible to find a chance to do a workout that you planned. That’s okay, just find 20 minutes to do SOMETHING, even if it’s in your bedroom. Google “hotel room workouts”, you’ll find so many things to do quickly and that don’t require equipment. There are 1,440 minutes in a day. Use 20 of them to workout. No excuses!  

Again, if you have any questions or need suggestions or assistance, let me know!!
*I am currently studying to become a personal fitness trainer. : )

Have a great day and keep up the good work!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 4 - 30 Day Challenge

 It's so much more simple than people make it seem... Eat clean, eat healthy, workout. Period. There is no secret or magic to it.

Day 4 and feeling great! How about you guys? I’d love to hear from you and how you’re doing so far!

Haven’t started yet? That’s fine… start NOW! Day 1, GO!

Yesterday was arms. Have you ever tried putting mascara or liquid eyeliner on after doing arms? Ha, good luck!! ;-) Have any questions about arm workouts? Need some help? Let me know!
*I am currently studying to become a personal fitness trainer. : ) 

Today I’m going to work the whole body. A little legs, arms, core, back, cardio, plyometrics, etc… just get moving! The point is to get your heart rate up and keep it up throughout the workout. Move. Your. Body. I stay moving without a break for about 20 minutes. Below I have some examples of what I do.

I’ll post my food diary tonight. As always, before breakfast I start with 8oz cold water and with my breakfast I let myself have my yummy cup o jo, that doesn’t change!

Tip of the day: Flaxseed!  Did you know that whole flaxseed is actually difficult for your body to digest? Most of the flaxseed you eat will just pass through your digestive system without getting broken down. Your body doesn’t receive the benefits. Do you know what to do to fix that? GROUND Flaxseed!!! Your body doesn’t have to work hard to break it down to get all of it’s nutrients!  

 Some Examples of what I do...
- Burpees
- Dreya Roll (from P90X http://youtu.be/IBupIfQEoNA)
- Jumping Jacks
- Jump Rope
- Plank (on elbow)
- Right and Left Side Planks
- Plank Jacks
- Low Knees to High Knees
- Squats to Jump Squats
- Lunges to Jump Lunges (switching legs with a jump after each lunge)
- Mountain Climbers

I might one day start doing videos. Let me know if you guys would like that. 


Before Breakfast- About 8oz cold water
Breakfast- My morning cup of coffee, with the same breakfast as yesterday AND the day before (I need to switch up my meals a bit! Ha! But I love this breakfast! Mmm). ½ English muffin, ¼ avocado, 1 egg, 3 slices turkey bacon.
Grilled chicken salad (Spinach, grilled chicken, sugar snap peas, bean sprouts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds and I used a few dashes of red wine vinegar as a dressing)
Snack #1- Apple and 2 tbs peanut butter (I would eat peanut butter all darn day if I could!!)
Snack #2 (post-workout)- Protein pudding. It tastes like a no bake cookie and everything in it is way healthy. Perfect way to trick your sweet tooth! I make it by eye, no measurements so I will measure it out and post the recipe this weekend.
Grilled chicken breast with steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower and sugar snap peas)
Water Consumption (goal=60 oz)-
60 oz (and still drinking)